A smoldering wick He will not quench.

Isaiah 42:3

+ A place of healing, faith, and quiet restoration. +

Welcome to The Smoldering Wick

Here, in the hush of the wilderness, in the soft glow of embers that refuse to die, you are not alone.

This is a space for the weary and the seeking, for those who have carried wounds too long, for those who wonder if healing is possible.

Take heart. He who formed you has not abandoned you.
Take courage. A smoldering wick He will not quench. (Isaiah 42:3)

We walk this path together—through sorrow and renewal, through repentance and grace—toward the light of Christ, who makes all things new.

You are seen. You are loved. You are being made whole. ✧ The Smoldering Wick

The Lord does not deal with us according to the measure of our failures but according to the depths of His love. Even when our light is dim, He does not put it out but breathes upon it, that it may shine more brightly.
— St. Gregory the Theologian

Begin the Journey…