Join the Community
Healing is never meant to be walked alone. The Smoldering Wick is more than just a blog—it’s a space for connection, encouragement, and growth. If you’d like to journey alongside me, there are a few ways to be part of this community.
Every month, I’ll send out a newsletter filled with all the announcements for the month! This will include DBT skill challenges and community updates. This is the easiest way to stay connected!!
Sign Up HERE
The blog is a space for reflection, and I encourage you to leave a comment on posts—whether it’s sharing your own experience, responding to a reflection, or simply letting me know that something resonated with you.
Your voice matters. I’d love to hear from you.
If you ever want to reach out personally, you are always welcome to email me.
Please sign up for the newsletter, read the blog, comment, share, and stay connected! We are in this together.